Contact Us |
Add. : 1, Prabhat Nagar, Ground Floor,
Jogeshwari (West),
Mumbai - 400 102.
Maharashtra, INDIA.
Tel. : + 91 - 22 - 26789322
Fax : + 91 - 22 - 26780784
E-mail : mail@ambicapharmasales.com |
Products |
Manufacturing |
Ambica possess one of the finest infrastructures. Ambica’s facilities are well equipped with W.H.O. G.M.P. certified standards, which is backed by latest technology and sophisticated machinery. Our plant is operated with laboratory supported by good analytical equipment, ensuring stringent quality control and thus building customer's confidence in our products. Highest priority is been given to quality control & quality assurance and adequate precautions are taken to ensure flawless products and un-interrupted production.
Our full-fledged facility sustains the superiority and quality of our products besides routine quality checks. Substantial research is been conceded out in regular basis, together in the development of existing products as well as into new entities and products. Our compliant, experienced, and dedicated professionals assist us in exceeding our clients' expectations and delivering each product with speed and accuracy that is considered unparalleled in the industry.
Ambica manufactures wide ranges of pharmaceutical formulations in various forms, dosage and in required pack sizes. In the form of small volume liquid Parenterals, Dry Powder Injectables, Lyophilized Vials, Sterile Eye Drops and Eardrops, Tablets (Uncoated, Sugar Coated, Enteric Coated, Film Coated, Chewable, Lozenges, Sustained Release and Dispersible Forms), Capsules, Dry Syrups and Liquid Orals.
Ambica generates value for clients and partners in the business with the perfect management systems and tools optimized for sustainability.
We continuously upgrade our production unit to keep pace with the international markets.